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Glenn Davis Books

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Welcome to Glenn Davis books.  Do you love books?  So do I.  Do you prefer fiction, non-fiction or both?  Books can be your best friends or your worse enemies.  Some books will build you up and inspire you to be your best; others have destroyed civilizations.  If you stop to think about it, your life - and mine - is built on words.  Not just any words, but words we have heard or read, believed and acted on.  Everything starts with a thought, which is made up of words.  Words spoken by parents - good or bad - are powerful and shape our lives.  Words from friends and even strangers can also impact our lives.  

The sad thing is that the words we have heard/read and believed do not have to be true to drive our lives.  We will act on them if we believe them - true or false.  For example, a child constantly told, "You are stupid," will believe and act that way even though it is not true.  We must be careful what words we allow into our minds, although we should not live in fear.  Words benefit or harm us only if we believe and act on them.  We must examine what we read for truth and reject what is false - even in fiction.

Everyone Can Learn To Read

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.  Solomon [Pr. 16:24]

Glenn and Diane Davis

I trust you will explore and enjoy this site. You will find some of my favourite authors and information about their books, quotes I have personally selected from authors I read, interesting short history stories, free books and new authors. I hope you will also tell me about your favourite authors and books. Who do you like to read? What is your favourite book? What do you recommend and why?  You can quickly enter all that information in the forms provided, and your review will become a permanent page on this site for all to learn from and enjoy.  Don't deprive us of that!  And then take time to see what other bookworms like us are reading.

First, I do not sit down at my desk to put into verse something that is already clear in my mind. If it were clear in my mind, I should have no incentive or need to write about it. We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.  C. S. Lewis

Struggling With Reading?

book portal

I know you are probably at Glenn Davis Books because you like to read; however, you may know someone who struggles with reading.  They may have tried, been discouraged and given up.  They may no longer believe that they can master the skill of reading.  They are missing out on the wonderful world of words.

Glenn and Diane Davis travelled to California to be trained by Academic Associates founder Cliff Ponder and his wife, Betty. Having graduated as Reading Instruction Specialists in the Academic Associates program, Glenn and Diane opened their own Reading Center in Prince George, BC, in 2006.

Glenn and Diane currently live in beautiful Vernon, BC.  Students are trained in their reading skills in this quiet and relaxing atmosphere. This is not tutoring but a complete program. It only takes an average of 30 - 60 hours to complete the program. Diane has enjoyed working with younger students, while Glenn has helped adult students develop their reading skills. Over the Internet, Glenn has taught students as far away as Australia.  Diane has taught students in Canada and the United States.

Many children and adults struggle with reading, yet anyone who can speak English can be taught to read it.  Most often, the problem is that they have not been taught correctly.  People who have failed in other programs master this vital skill in our program.  We teach one-on-one in-house [if you live in Vernon, BC] or online.  Check out the details of our program in the Learn To Read subsection of Glenn Davis Books.

Who Am I?

Glenn Davis

I have had a love of books [and lions] from when my parents found me asleep in my crib with a picture book in one hand and a stuffed lion in the other. I spent ten of the first eleven years of my life in Kenya, East Africa.  I was sent to a boarding school just outside of Nairobi for grades five and six.  There, I was introduced to the books of two of my favourite authors: C.S. Lewis and Enid Blyton.  Later, as a teenager, I was given a copy of An Overdose Of Death by Agatha Christie and was hooked!  In my adult years, I began reading more non-fiction [theology], but now, as I am older, I am more balanced in reading fiction and non-fiction.  Currently, one of my favourite fiction authors is Christy Barritt.

My wife, Diane, and I live in Vernon, BC, where I work at a grocery store full-time.  We have three wonderful adult children and six grandchildren.  Although we don't fit the stereotype of grandparents, we love them all.    

In the evenings and on my days off, I work on writing.  Most of my writing has been articles and courses on various aspects of Christianity.  I have an entire website dedicated to that.  I also like to write adventure stories in my 'universe' of the El Empire.  I share these stories with you in hopes that you may also find pleasure in them.  If not, at least I had fun writing them.  Let me know.

Note: Click here for information on how we may use AI.

Reading Adventure Tote Bag
Reading Adventure Tote Bag
by Joyful_Discovery

Glenn Davis' Non-Fiction

Most of my non-fiction is available as articles and Bible courses on my website, Free Bible Study Lessons.  However, I am working on non-fiction books to help readers understand and apply Christianity.  Check them out!

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