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Learn To Read
Frequently Asked Questions

Academic Associates [Learn To Read] offers a systematic, easy-to-learn reading program. This program will take the student [child or adult] through the steps of reading. When finished, they will be able to read the majority of words in the English language. The program is taught one-on-one with one of our Reading Instruction Specialists. This is not a tutoring program.  It is a specific course that students will work through at their own pace with the help of an instructor.  It will give the student the tools to continually develop their reading skills long after they have completed the course.  This is an investment in your [or your loved ones'] future. Below are our Reading Program Questions and Answers.  If you have additional questions, please use our contact form. Sign up for our complete reading program now.

Girl reading book, learn to read

Reading Program Questions And Answers

Why Is Your Program Better Than Other Programs?

To answer that question, read this article.

What Will The Student Have Achieved At The End Of This Course?

The student will have the ability to read the vast majority of words in the English language, and his/her comprehension will be at or above their age level. Their spelling skills will also have improved as they have learned phonetic reading. At the end of the course, the student will have a complete binder with all the rules and reading words they have learned in order to refresh their memory from time to time.

Is There Anything Needed After The Course Is Completed?

No. The student will be fully trained in reading. The completed binder has all the “refresher” material needed.  Some students do return for a 'refresher' with an instructor or practice reading, but this is a personal choice.

How Long Does The Course Take?

The amount of time depends on the student's ability, maturity level, and desire. The average student completes the entire course in 60 hours of instruction.  Some students complete it quicker; others take much longer.  Regular practice reading at home and following our lesson tips will help your child complete the course quicker.

What Are Your Recommendations For Classes?

Ideally, students should come for two to three hours a week. This allows most students to progress quickly through the program with less time needed for review. However, one hour a week also works. For younger children or children with short attention spans, sessions can be half-hour sessions.  Read these tips to get the most out of your reading lesson time.

Do I Have To Complete The Course?

No. There are no contracts. You pay for the lessons as you use them. You may stop at any time without penalty. You will be charged if you book a lesson and then fail to "show up" without giving 24 hours notice. To receive the maximum benefit, you need to complete the course, but the choice is always yours.

How Old Should Children Be Before Learning To Read?

To answer that question, read this article.  To take our course, a student needs to know their alphabet, be able to speak English and be able to focus for a half hour, although we recommend hour-long lessons [we do have a stretch and snack break for in-house students during hour-long lessons].

What Is Required Of Students?

Before being accepted into the program, students need to know the alphabet letters in the correct order and be able to speak English.

During the program:

1.  Students are required to be prompt.  For in-house students, parents are welcome to sit in on the classes or relax in our living room. If parents choose to leave the premises during the lesson, they must return promptly to pick up the student.

2.  Students are required to spend 5 minutes a day reviewing their rule cards.

3.  Parents are required to spend a minimum of 15 minutes a day reading with their child.  In the beginning, the parent will do the reading as the child follows along; later, the child will be doing most of the reading.  Reading material is at the parent's discretion but should be of interest to the child.  If a parent cannot make this commitment for at least four days of the week, then another program may be better suited for their needs.

4.  Your money and our time is valuable.  If a student is consistently unfocused or inattentive during class, the parent or instructor may cancel future lessons.  Any money paid for unused lesson time will be refunded.

Can This Program Help With Learning Disabilities?

For the answer to that question, read this article.

Where Do You Teach?

We teach out of our home in Vernon, BC and, for older students, online classes are an option.  Appointments must be booked in advance.

What Does The Program Cost?

The initial reading assessment is FREE for Vernon students [long-distance students may have a small charge], and there is no obligation or pressure to enroll. The decision is totally yours. Call 250-301-5355  [if you live in Vernon only] or use the contact button to book your appointment. The assessment usually takes less than 15 minutes.

The hourly rate is currently $65 an hour but may change without notice.  Students currently enrolled in the program will not experience price increases.  Payment is due on or before lesson time.  [Think of what you pay your mechanic or hairdresser and remember you are acquiring a lifetime skill.  You will never need us again once you have completed the course.]

I Don't Live In Vernon, How Do I Take The Course?

Adults and older students can take the course over the Internet. You will need the following items:

1. A computer with a microphone [built-in is fine], webcam and speakers, although a headset is the best,
2. A printer,
3. Access to Zoom or Skype,
4. An E-mail address,
5. A mailing address,
6. A credit card.
7. A reliable high-speed Internet connection and a quiet workplace.

In the case of children/teenagers, a parent will be required to be available during lesson time.

Does This Work As An ESL Program?

See our comments on English as a Second Language.

How Do I Pay?

Payment is due before each lesson. If you are attending in person, you may pay by cash, e-transfer [Canada only] or Paypal [via computer at home or the Reading Center]. If you are a long-distance student, you may pay by Paypal [Stripe may be added in the future].  You do not need to have a Paypal account to pay, only a Credit Card.  The payment link is on our Lessons page.

Sign up for our complete reading program now.

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