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A Reason For Hope by Kristin Von Kreisler

WOW~! This is the latest book by Kristin in her books of 'working dogs.' Hope is a sweet Labrador Retriever who has been trained to be a courthouse facilitator. She helps people when they need to be in courts of law. Her handler is a lawyer, Will.

This story involves a prominent man in his community that befriends and rapes unsuspecting women. Tessa is a bookmobile librarian serving outlying areas of San Juan Island. She has gathered enough courage to put her bio onto a singles' dating website. Unsuspecting, she meets up with a nice man. He is such a nice man that she meets with him a second time.

What happens in the aftermath, tells the story of how Tessa is treated by those around her, her mother, and her friend. When she takes her circumstance to the police, and then to court, she finds out just how difficult it is for rape victims to receive justice. It isn't just the physical aspect of the rape that affects the woman, but it also affects the mind and spirit.

Hope and her gentle ways of comforting Tessa reveal how a dog truly is man's best friend. Her eyes are so expressive that the author includes her 'would be' words as to what they are saying to the Tessa.

This book kept me intriguedso much that I had a hard time putting it down. There was minimal swearing in this book compared to Kristin's first book, An Unexpected Grace ... always aplus with me~!

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