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Finding Truth - Nancy Pearcey

by Glenn

Many Christians do not have a Biblical worldview. They either have bought into potions of heathen philosophy, or they simply don’t have the confidence that a truly Biblical worldview can stand up against attacks of different belief systems.

In her book Finding Truth, Nancy Pearcey shows that a Biblical worldview is the only one that will stand up to all the tests. Her subtitle is revealing: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism and Other God Substitutes. Finding Truth explores Romans Chapter One and describes five basic principles that can be used to test any belief system.

Often a belief system will focus on one area of truth, but there will always be facts left outside its ‘box.’ No worldview, except Christianity, explains everything we know about our world and universe. Yet Christians often waver under the ideas of the Enlightenment, Post-Modernism, Atheism, Pantheism, Materialism and others.

It is not uncommon for young people to go to a Christian college or university and lose their faith. There they encounter teachers and professors who present a mixture of beliefs. When they were growing up, parents, pastors and others often avoided discussing different belief systems and how Christianity offers a better, more logical answer to the world we see around us, leaving them susceptible to false ideas. Sometimes those they have trusted for teaching have bought into the error that faith and reason are opposed. Nothing could be further from the Truth. God wants us to use our minds! Ironically, many times other belief systems are self-refuting - i.e. the logic they use to discredit other belief systems also negates their own!

Finding Truth will give every Christian the tools they need to understand the different belief systems in our world today, from secular ideas to religions. This book is both easy-to-read and highly informative. Every Christian should have a copy and master these five principles. Non-Christians will also find this book an interesting way to examine their ideas.

Do we want to know the Truth? Do we want a complete and comprehensive worldview? Are we willing to put the work into evaluating what we believe with reality? Or are we content with just accepting what sounds good or is popular and ending up with often contradictory beliefs and a life disconnected from reality? It is your choice.


“A major barrier to cultivating the good in every area is that modern culture reduces Christianity to only one part of life - to a message of salvation, telling you how to get to heaven. As a result, few think of Christianity as a worldview giving fundamental principles that apply to all of life.”

“In other words, the real transformation came when he realized that Christians are called to roll up their sleeves and work out the implications of a biblical worldview for justice and politics, for science and scholarship, for art and music - and all the rest of life.”

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