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Hitler’s Cross by Erwin W. Lutzer

Hitler’s Cross examines how the Cross of Christ was used to promote the Nazi agenda in and before WWII. Erwin Lutzer does an excellent job of exploring the relationship between Nazism and Christianity. He looks at why relatively few Christians stood against Hitler.

After WWI, Germany was devastated and humiliated. Its people struggled to retain a little pride as they fought against unemployment and runaway inflation, which wiped out all saving accounts. People spent money as soon as they received it because they knew waiting even a day would devalue it even more. Democracy seemed unable to cope with the severe problems the country was facing.

Then, there arose a charismatic man who seemed to have all the answers. The German Church has long been compromised with liberalism. Many of its members were Christian in name only. Germany pride and patriotism ruled the day. To be a loyal German and Christian was to support Hitler. Churches displayed the swastika flags and banners prominently. Some swastikas even had the cross of Christ in the center.

When the Nazis increasingly persecuted the Jews, most German Christians either supported the move or turned a blind eye to it. After all, it was a small price to pay for all the good that Hitler was doing for the country.

But the Cross of Christ and the cross of the demonic Hitler were not compatible. True Christians who opposed the Nazis were regarded as unpatriotic or even treasonous. It had come down to a choice between crosses. Which would win? The Cross of self-sacrifice and love or the cross of self-promotion and hatred?

Hitler’s Cross also looks at the lives of notable true German Christians who stood against Hitler. They would not compromise no matter what the cost. They were the heroes Hitler hated.

Erwin Lutzer also draws some parallels between what happened in Germany and what is happening in America and other Western countries worldwide. Will Christians turn a blind eye to the horrors that are even now being perpetrated, or will they stand true to the Cross and against evil oppressors?

This is a book for more than history buffs. It challenges the Church not to make the same mistakes that the German Church made during Hitler’s time.

You can purchase this book from Amazon here.

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