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The Importance Of Reading

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The importance of reading is usually accepted by those who can read. It is interesting to see that our site's most visited page is the "Why Is Reading Important?" page. Two of the three most popular keywords used to find our site are: why is reading important and why reading is important. Many people seem to be wondering how vital reading is in our modern society.

Let's look briefly at the importance of reading in the four stages of life.

Everyone Can Learn To Read

The first stage is birth through grade one. Studies show that a child develops 80% of the attitudes, values, fears, and loyalties that he/she will carry through life during this time. It is a tremendously important time in a person's life. Also, it is the time of the greatest learning curve. A child is learning primary relationships, eating, balance [walking], language, and a hundred other foundational activities. There is no reason why, when a person's mind is so open to learning, they should not be taught to read. Public schools, and many private schools, try to teach children to read by the end of grade 3. Most children between the ages of 4 and 7 can learn to read very well.  Ideally, they should enter school already reading. [Note: If the school is not prepared to handle children who can already read, then other problems may develop; however, I do not believe holding a child back and limiting their potential is the correct answer. We cannot downplay the importance of reading early just because others do not focus on it.]

Importance Of Reading

The second stage is the mastery of academic subjects that are taught from grades two through grades 6. In most schools, attention is switched from reading to other subjects at the end of grade 3. Any student struggling with reading at this point is a candidate for being left behind or being pushed forward without ever mastering the necessary skills or being put in a special education class.   Not being taught to read may be their only real problem.  In most cases, failure to read is not their fault but the fault of the method used to teach them.  In any case, during this stage of learning, students need to master reading, grammar, and concrete math, as well as build on foundational knowledge.

The third stage is from grades seven through twelve. Now students are introduced to more abstract concepts in their studies.  Again, if they have not mastered reading and concrete math facts by now, they will likely struggle in all subjects.

The fourth stage is when they complete school. Students can then apply all they have learned to further education or life management skills. Lack of reading skills here can hinder employment, gaining new knowledge, relationships, and the pure pleasure of reading.

Reading is essential, and no one is too old to learn. Even if you are in the fourth stage, you can learn to read. If you have children above four years of age, teach them to read. Certainly, if your children are in school and struggling with reading, get them help. The ability to read is the foundation on which all other subjects are based. After grade 3, they will become more and more academically lost if they can't read. The importance of reading must be a focal point in education.

Sign up for our comprehensive Reading Course today!  Most students complete it with only 30 - 60 hours of instruction.

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