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Stories Behind Women Of Extraordinary Faith by Ace Collins

Ace Collins presents twenty amazing women in his book Stories Behind Women Of Extraordinary Faith. He has chosen women from all walks of life and personality types over the last 200 years or so. It is truly an inspiring read.

He begins his stories with Catherine Booth, wife of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army. Catherine was very familiar with the Bible and its doctrines. By the time she was twelve, she had read the Bible through eight times. But Catherine was so painfully shy that she wouldn’t even pray in front of her family as she was growing up. She was often sick before teaching a children’s Bible class. In addition, in the 1800s, women were not allowed to speak in church when men were in the audience. Yet one day, Catherine felt that God wanted her to say a few words after her husband had finished speaking to a crowd of over a thousand people. Although shocked at her request, William allowed her to speak. From there, Catherine would develop into a bold and dynamic speaker. Despite strong opposition from the established Church, William and Catherine founded the Salvation Army to minister to the poor and allow both men and women to be ministers.

Ace Collins ends his book with the story of an unknown nurse who helped a soldier who had been blinded in the Vietnam War believe in himself. Her inspiring words helped Gene overcome a negative childhood and his tragic blindness to become one of the best-known home builders in the St. Louis area. We never know how a word of faith and encouragement can impact someone else’s life. We must be careful about the words that come out of our mouths.

If you are looking for inspiration and encouragement, this is a great book to read. It is fascinating the struggles and difficulties these women overcame - from health issues to physical violence - to become shining examples of what faith in Jesus Christ can accomplish.

Purchase your copy from Amazon here.

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