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True Stories Of Adventure

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Adventure is everywhere. True stories of adventure fascinate us. We thrill with the courage of others. We are excited to see new places and circumstances beyond ourselves. We reach out, hoping that our heroes will indeed win. We jump with jubilation when they do! It makes us feel like we can succeed in the challenges of life.

Everyone Can Learn To Read

Yet stories of adventure are sometimes tales of suffering and sacrifice. Not everyone has a happy ending in this life. We learn of people willing to give up their possessions and even their lives because of love or honour or some other motivation. We cry with them, and we despise the villains who made their sacrifice necessary.

Jumping off a cliff.

Our quest for true stories of adventure will range from the dawn of time to today’s news. It will travel from exotic countries to our own backyard. If we open our eyes, tales of courage are everywhere, whether famous like the incredible survival of Captian Bligh and his castaways as they transverse over 1,000 miles of ocean to reach safety or stories known only to you like how your father or mother worked hard at a job they didn’t like just to support you.

The growing collection of stories of adventure from history below is selected from Public Domain sources for all to see and enjoy. But never forget that you know of many adventure stories that will never reach the public eye. Sacrifices your parents or grandparents have made because of their love. Spend some time talking with them to learn about their life’s journey. Maybe it was someone standing up to the neighbourhood bully or speaking a kind word to a discouraged person. Don’t sell yourself short, either. Every time you refuse to let fear stop you - no matter what it is - you are living a life of adventure. Remember, Courage is not the lack of fear but acting despite fear. That is a life of adventure that we can all lead. No one has to live a boring life.

There are also other adventure stories in the other history categories on this site.  Sometimes I just had to choose where a story fit best.  Read and enjoy.

True Stories Of Adventure

Jean Cavalier: Boy Commander Of The Camisards

The Courageous Story Of Grace Darling

The Troublesome Citizens Of Ghent

The Little Post Boy

The Defence Of Rochelle or How The City Of Refuge Fought For Liberty

The Story Of A Forest Fire

A Rescue From A Shipwreck 

A Daring Mission For Napoleon

A Fire-Fighter's Rescue From The Flames

The Two Boy Hostages At The Siege Of Seringapatam

Captain Bligh And The Remarkable Voyage Of The Bounty

The Famous Fight Between The Arethusa and The La Belle Poule

How Livia Won Her Brooch

Sunken Treasure

The Adventure Of Grizel Cochrane

The Brave Queen Of Hungary: To Steal A Crown

How Catherine Douglas Tried To Save King James Of Scotland

The Noble Citizens Of Calais

The Boy-Heroes Of Crecy And Poitiers

The Bravery Of Regulus

The Fight At The Pass Of Thermophlae

More Coming Soon

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