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The God Who Pursues - by Cecil Murphey

The God Who Pursues: Encountering A Relentless God by Cecil Murphey

Cecil Murphey has written over 80 books, both fiction and non-fiction. In The God Who Pursues, Cecil Murphey looks at how the Holy invades our lives to reveal Himself. He examines the lives of Biblical characters from Abraham to Samson to Jonah and uses many relevant examples from his own life and experiences as a pastor and missionary.

This book is easy to read yet contains deep insights into how God pursues and confronts us. Many times an encounter with God can be painful as He brings sin that needs to be confessed to our minds or reveals our hidden motives. We like to hide those things, to think that we are really not so bad. But God is holy, every sin is an offence to Him. Yet each time, God is wanting to move us into a closer and more intimate relationship with Himself.

In these pages, we meet the Holy God, Who wants us to be holy. He enters our lives to bring us to Himself. Maybe like Abraham, He is challenging us to get rid of a wrong priority - did Abraham come to love Isaac more than God?, or like Samson, He is pursuing us to the very end even though we are persistent in our own ways, or maybe, like Samuel, we have walked with Him all our lives. God is always active and involved in our lives, although sometimes, like Elijah, He has to pull us out of depression and speak to us in a still, small voice.

Cecil Murphey is a humble and honest writer who does not shrink from sharing how own painful stories in order to bring his point home to his readers. Any Christian who desires a closer walk with Jesus will find this book helpful.

I also find this book interesting on a personal level as my parents are friends with the author and knew him when they were also missionaries in Kenya, East Africa. My uncle George Lindsay, who was also a missionary in Kenya, is mentioned briefly in this book.

Cecil Murphey is turning 90 this year - 2023 - and lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Even though he has a Master’s Degree in Theology and Education, he is a very down-to-earth writer in all his books.

“Throughout my life, God has pursued me - relentlessly. I don’t mean that God chased me until I surrendered and became a Christian. In fact, the initial awareness of that unmitigating pursuit began five years after my conversion. It was also the first time I became angry at God…”. Cecil Murphey in The God Who Pursues.

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