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The Revelation Of Jesus by David Binion

Writing a book on the Book of Revelation is always a challenge. There are so many different views, and some people are emotionally attached to what they believe. The Revelation Of Jesus is a refreshing change from much written on this subject.

Although David Binion is a dispensationalist, he avoids being swept into all the End Times controversy by focusing on the theme of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is all about Jesus and worship. David Binion does an excellent job of sticking to this theme. As an experienced worship leader, he is well able to lead us through the incredible scenes of worship and the dynamic descriptions of Jesus we find in this conclusion to the Bible. As he says, “I have come to the point in my life where nothing is more important to me than intimacy with Jesus and living in His presence.”

The author beings his first chapter by looking at Revelation 1:3, which states that the people who read and hear Revelation will be blessed. In the following nineteen chapters, he leads us into the presence of God as we examine the various scenes of worship and adoration as well as the features of Jesus which are presented. We are made to realize that this Book is a blessing to the children of God. It should not bring fear but joy with our beautiful and victorious Saviour and Lord.

David Binion includes the lyrics to songs he has written - or co-written - at the end of each chapter based on the Scriptures discussed in the chapter. I recommend this well-written book for those interested in worship or an inspiring look at Revelation to offset all the doom and gloom that usually surrounds it, overshadowing its actual theme.

Quote from The Revelation Of Jesus: “The Revelation of Jesus is meant to be proclaimed out loud. It is meant to be heard. I feel like in many ways we’ve been duped by church denominations and organizations. We have been taught to be fearful of the Book of Revelation, when in fact it is an extraordinary, beautiful view of the glorious Jesus, and He’s invited us to sit at the table with Him and partake.”

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