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The United Alpha Fleet is a fleet of starships whose mission is to patrol, protect and service planets outside of population centers as well as monitor the Empire’s borders. They are also able to perform scientific operations, bring emergency relief, and train national forces in medicine, science, life skills and military operations.
During times of peace, a starship has about 100,000 people on board. Most of them are related to the military, but some are civilians. During times of war or emergency, the population swells to 150,000 with the capacity to carry more troops or disaster victims. There are currently 20 starships commissioned of which the U.A.F. Courage, U.A.F. Gallant and U.A.F. Daring are three. The name of each starship is printed in large black letters across each side.
The starships were originally designed and put into operation during the Tricot Wars. Their great size and power helped to bring the war to a successful conclusion. By the end of the war, there were 12 starships in operation, including the three mentioned above. No U.A.F. starship has yet been destroyed by military action.
Each starship has 50 sq. miles of floor space spread over 150 levels. The design is a basic rectangle with a small slant on the upper portion of the front of the starship. Three massive engines in the rear propel the starship through space.
In case of extreme emergency, a Starship is able to be evacuated in 6 - 8 hours depending on the distance to the landing zone. Emergency Evacuation Calculations: 1,000 Battle Shuttles carrying 12 passengers each = 12,000 passengers, 250 Transport/Medical Shuttles carrying 50 passengers each = 12,500 passengers. Combined 24,500 passengers per trip 4 - 5 trips to evacuate the minimum crew of 100,000.
The actual population on a starship can vary but is considered to average 100,000 during peacetime and 155,000 during times of war. This is based on an average of [peace time] 35,460 positions times an average family of three [106, 380 ] or 51,210 positions in times of war times three [153,630]. Of course, there are many variables such as larger families, both parents working, single people, etc. In times of war, some people elect to have their family on a planet far from the war zone rather than on a starship.
The Minimum [Min.] crew in a department is the crew during times of peace and routine missions. The Maximum [Max.] is the crew level during war or when extraordinary events are anticipated. If crew are not needed in their primary classification, they can be temporarily assigned to other sections within their departments or, if qualified, to other departments.
Command Staff Min. - 10 Max. - 10
Command Support Min. - 500 Max. - 1,000
The Command Department includes the Captain and all the Senior Department Officers in Main Control plus their assistants. These departments are: Chaplain, Communications, Navigator, Security, Fleet Commander, Onboard Weapons and Defense, Engineering, Science, Medical [not in Main Control] and Civilian Relations [not in Main Control]. One of the officers will also be the Co-Captain. [A Life Support technician is in Main Control, but not part of the Command Staff.
Flyer Pilots Min. - 1,250 Max. - 2,500
Flyer Support Min. - 150 Max. - 400
Shuttle Crew Min. - 2,500 Max. - 5,000
- 1250 Shuttles - 1,000 Battle - Pass 12
- 200 Transport - Pass 50
- 50 Emergency Med. Shuttles
Shuttle Support Min. - 150 Max. - 400
The Fleet is considered to be all spaceships housed on the starship. They are used both offensively and defensively. The Fleet pilots and staff are responsible for the maintain and repairs to their own ships. There are four main types of spaceships.
Flyers - Flyers are small one-seater space fighters with a lot of fire power. They have a circular front on which is the cockpit. Behind the cockpit, mounted on a triangular base are three engines. The bubble which is the cockpit windshield lifts up and the front of the Flyer splits in half to allow the pilot it enter. Once he is seated everything closes over him. Flyers all have the same basic design but some are different in size. This is because they were customized to the size of the pilot. Flyers are not equipped to fly at Rank speed. These were the Attack Force Flyers of the U.A.F. Starships and form a vital part of its defence system as well as being used to provide air support for troops on the ground and shuttles in flight.
Average Size: 8’ X 16’ Each Flyer takes up an average space of 128 sq ft. There are 25 Flyers in a “Pit” which is minimum floor space of 3,200 sq. ft. Each Flyer Pit contains 10,000 sq ft.
Battle Shuttles - There are several different designs on the Battle Shuttles. One design is known as Buffalo Shuttles.
- The Buffalo Shuttles are a small transport/combat shuttles. They were designed to transport small forces through dangerous territory. There are two seats in front for the pilot and gunner. The control console runs across the front of the shuttle. The windshield begins at the outer edge of the control console but, instead of curving in, it leans a further three feet out at it's top.
The door is behind the pilot on the left side of the shuttle. Behind the pilot and gunner is a narrow aisle with six rows of seats each having two seats on either side of the aisle. Behind the last row of seats is a door which seals off the storage and engine area from the passenger area of the shuttle.
Each seat is equipped with a seatbelt which can also be locked with a code for when transporting prisoners. Any attempt to tamper with them, including trying to punch in codes, sets off an alarm on the console.
Average size: 12’ X 48’ Each Battle Shuttle takes up and average space of 576 sq ft. There are 25 Shuttles in a bay for a minimum floor space of 14,400 sq ft. Each Shuttle Bay contains 30,000 sq ft.
Identified Battle Shuttles
Shuttle M12 - The shuttle Captain Caspian and the rest are in as they escape form the U.R. Death.
Transport Shuttles - These are lightly armed Transport shuttles capable of moving 50 passengers. In times of war, they are used to land troops or evacuate civilians. In times of peace, they transport civilians from planets to visit the public areas of a starship such as the shops and amusement parks.
Medical Shuttles - These Shuttles are designed as mini-hospitals able to provide a wide variety of medical treatments. And, in an emergency, can be used to transport up to 50 people at a time.
Onboard Defence Min. - 4,000 Max. - 9,000
Onboard Defence is responsible for operating the gun placements. There are, on average 40 gun placements around the perimeter of each level in addition to the ones on the top and bottom of each starship. OD also coordinates with Security in the case of an enemy actually boarding the starship.
Structural Integrity Min. - 1,000 Max. - 1,200
General Min. - 1,500 Max. - 2,000
General Maintenance Min. - 4,000 Max. - 5,000
Engineering is responsible for maintaining the engines and related systems at peak efficiency. This includes repairs and the production of parts, if necessary. Engineering is also responsible for the overall maintenance of the starship. Whether it is something to do with structural integrity, general maintenance and janitorial services or approving building permits, if it has to do with the physical ship it is either an Engineering responsibility or has to be approved by them. [Civilians are allowed to make changes to their shops/homes including repositioning walls, as long as such changes are pre-approved by the Engineering Department. In some cases, the Engineering Department may be contracted to make the changes itself.]
Life Support Min. - 500 Max. - 700
Recycle/Production Food/Water/Air Min. - 4,900 Max. - 5,800
Kitchen Staff * Min. - 0 Max. - 500
While Life Support is technically overseen by the Science Department, they are important enough to be treated as a separate department. Life Support is responsible for systems which deal with maintaining life on a starship. This includes food production [farming], water and air purification and recycling, distribution, delivery systems [in co-operation with Engineering], etc.
* Needed only during wartime to provide meals for troops being transported. All regular residents have their own apartments in which to prepare their meals.
Level Security Min. - 300 Max. - 300
Elite Security Min. - 40 Max. - 85
Investigative ** Min. - 10 Max. - 15
Security is responsible for the safety of everyone onboard the Gallant whether residents or visitors. This includes law enforcement, preventing unauthorized people from boarding the starship or entering restricted areas, providing protection for landing parties in dangerous situations, cell guards, investing crimes, etc.
Security Motto: Protect The Innocent, Capture The Guilty
Level Security is the personnel assigned to a specific level on the Gallant. They are responsible for all security concerns on their level. Especially when there are a lot of visitors onboard they may be moved to the public areas for added security there. On some occasions, they may be assigned to go with landing parties. They are also rotated through guard duty when there are prisoners in the Brig.
The Security Elite is responsible for the safety of the Captain and Senior Officers on and off the Ship.
Investigative Security investigates serious crimes. They draw from Level and Elite Security to help them where needed.
*** This is Investigative Heads only as they will use the assistance of regular security forces in investigations.
Diplomacy Min. - 500 Max. - 500
Legal System Min. - 500 Max. - 500
Chaplains Min. - 200 Max. - 400
Education 1 *** Min. - 300 Max. - 300
Education 2 **** Min. - 200 Max. - 200
Prayers/Worshippers Min. - 100 Max. - 200
The El Empire is based on the fact that El, the Creator of the Universe, has the right to have it governed as He sees fit. It is dedicated to operating, to the best of its ability on the law and principles revealed in the Book of El. Chaplains are responsible to be experts in knowing the laws and ways of El and how they apply to current situations. They are top-level advisors and so their commander is always a Main Control Officer. They are in charge of the Diplomatic Corps and so are involved in Interplanetary relationships and negotiations. Naturally, they are in charge of religious services. They are also responsible for operating the Legal System as they are experts in the Law. Education, both general and advanced is under their supervision and instruction; although, in the case of minors, parents have the ultimate authority in the raising of their children including the type and depth of their education.
*** Provides schools for children ages 6 to 18. Attendance is voluntary as many parents choose other options for educating their children.
**** Oversees specialized training and apprenticeship programs for adults.
Doctors/Specialists Min. - 100 Max. - 200
Nurses Min. - 1,200 Max. - 2,400
Administration Min. - 100 Max. - 200
Support Staff Min. - 600 Max. - 1,200
The Medical Department is responsible for the health of everyone onboard the starship, whether residents or visitors. This includes both preventative medicine [vaccines, nutritional training, etc.] and dealing with emergencies, long-term care, short-term care, etc. Some starships have medical schools and apprenticeship programs. The Medical Department can assist planetary aid workers in dealing with emergency situations, training the local doctors and nurses in the most advanced methods of medical applications. They are trained to work in both low-tech and high-tech environments.
Navigation Min. - 1,000 Max. - 1,500
The Navigation Department is responsible to make sure the starship and its fleet travel safely to their destination. They need to know the correct routes and possible dangers. They have to be aware of other traffic in the area. They operate and maintain the scanner system.
Scientists Min. - 700 Max. - 700
Assistants Min. - 1,200 Max. - 1,200
Administration Min. - 100 Max. - 100
The Science Department makes sure the starship and its departments are up to the latest standards. They conduct experiments both on the ship and in the space or the planets around it. They study everything from biology to astronomy. They are responsible, along with Navigation, to know of possible dangers to the ship from the surrounding area. Many breakthrough discoveries in various areas of research have come from starship scientists. They oversee the Life Support Department as well.
Communications Min. 500 Max. 600
The Communications Department is responsible for all the communication devices on the starship. They provide smooth communications both within the starship and broadcasting to and from locations outside the starship. Both military and civilian communications are under their authority.
Banking & Invest. Min. 300 Max. 600
Shop Keepers
Grocery Stores Min. 800 Max. 1,000
Restaurants Min. 3,750 Max. 4,500
Other Stores [including Entertainment] Min. 2,000 Max. 2,000
Starships service and patrol many frontier planets. The civilians onboard operate various businesses which service both the residents and the many visitors who come onboard at each stop. Visitors are always interested to see what is available in other parts of the universe and sometimes to wholesale their own goods. [They are forbidden to retail them but, of course, ship personnel are free to purchase them on shore.] Many also appreciate the entertainment and amusement park areas. Above is an approximate of general services offered. Actual services will vary from starship to starship.
Cita Computer - The Courage's master computer system - restricted access.
ElLift - The elevator system that transports people throughout the starship. Most are small, holding 10-12 people, but some can hold up to 50 people. These larger ones are for transporting visitors to the public entertainment and shopping areas.
KIP - Knowledge Imparting Program. KIP is part of the U.A.F. Starship’s Cita computer system - with public access. KIP can be accessed through any phonepad or through voice command. KIP can give directions to any location on the ship. If desired, KIP can light up a strip of the wall from where you were to where you wanted to go. KIP can answer non-classified questions from its linking into Cita's extensive data bank.
Patch Of Identification [POI] - Wearing a POI patch allows a POI Reader, installed at various places - usually doorways - around the ship to identify people by their DNA Signature. To enter a restricted area a person’s DNA Signature has to be preprogrammed into the Reader or else the doors will not open. For entering private areas [like going from a public restaurant back to your home - which are considered private but not restricted] the reader would send an alert to Security if a person was not wearing a patch.
Security-Lock Door - To get past a Security Lock you had to place your hand flat on the red panel beside it. It would open only to people whose prints were already recorded. Newer versions also test body temperature and have mechanism which will trap the hand of anyone attempting unauthorized entrance.
The standard uniform for U.A.F. Personnel is black non-slip dress shoes, black pants [women have the option of a knee to ankle length skirt] and a comfortable pull-on shirt color-coded to the department in which they work. Gold or silver stripes designate various levels of command. Letters on the shirt identify the person.
Captain - Green
Medical - Bright Blue
Chaplain - White Jacket instead of pull-on shirt with a red cross on the upper part of each sleeve
Security - Red
Security Elite - Red/Scarlet with a gold stripe on each side of the pants.
Flyer Pilots - Orange
Science - Purple
Fleet Pilots - Yellow
Life Support - Light Green
Onboard Defence - Salmon
Engineering - Light Brown
Communications - Bronze
Navigation - Light Blue
Amusement Park [in section 3 of Level 140] - The amusement park was 2 levels high and contained the different rides, games, and concession stands. Bright, lively colours were everywhere giving the park a festive look.
Apartment, Average - Average Apartment Size 1,500 Sq ft., Average of 1,800 apartments per level. 20 levels of apartments are needed at minimum and 29 levels of apartments are needed at maximum. Add one floor of guest apartments for a total of 30 floors for basic living accommodations.
Apartment, Medium-Sized - A medium-sized apartment has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom with a tub you could almost swim in, a family room, a study, a dining room, a living room, a store room, and a kitchen.
- Langlish Apartment [on the Gallant] - The Langlish apartment is a medium-sized apartment with a diamond pattern on the floor.
- - Sandy’s room was light pink. She had her books, movies, and music discs neatly on a bookshelf. In one corner was her computer on a desk. On the center of the far wall was a “window.” It projected a 3D image on the wall of anything Sandy wanted. Scott’s room was the same size, but it was light blue on the top half and light green on the other half. Between the two colours ran a border picturing while horses.
Captain Danson’s Office [on the Gallant] - Captain Danson’s office was a large room painted in a light, relaxing blue. A few paintings hung on the walls. They showed peaceful scenes with plenty of trees, streams and animals. Captain Danson even had a few small statues of animals spread tastefully around his office. There was also a private bathroom off to the right.
Fountain, The - A restaurant on the Gallant - In the center of the room, sculptured in the precious metal of dersen, was the symbol of the El Empire: two giant hands holding a galaxy. Out of the top, the spherical sculpture shot a stream of water. It went two feet into the air, then cascaded down into a pool surrounding the base of the hands. Coloured lights played over the water.
Gaither’s Foods - A full-service grocery store chain which has several locations on most starships.
Hallways - Hallways are usually 15 feet wide and pained in light, friendly colours. Different sections are different colours. On the doors are printed, in neat, black letters, what is inside.
Living Quarters - The hallways on the apartment levels are light blue. Every 150 ft hallways intersected each other. On the doors were printed in, neat, black letters, the apartment number and the family name of the people who lived there.
Main Control and Secondary Control
Security Office [Level 45 on the Gallant] - The walls were plain white with pictures of Captain Danson and security officers hanging on them. On the wall opposite the entrance door was a door leading to Sgt. Walters' office. In the center of the medium-sized room was a cluttered desk. On the front of the desk, written in gold on a black background was the Security motto: Protect the Innocent, Capture the Guilty. There were four chairs along one wall and two in front of the desk. A computer screen mounted on the wall across from the four chairs had the latest news scrolling across it for the information of anyone who had to sit and wait.
- Sgt. Walter’s Personal Office - The office was nice, but not very big. The walls were covered with fine Theoakian wood. A few pictures and diplomas were modestly hung. A deep, soft, brown carpet covered the floor. The desk sat out from the back wall just enough for Sgt. Walters to slide behind it. The fine Theoakian wood of the desk almost glowed with polish. The only thing on it was a computer console and one file folder.
Shuttle Bays - The hall outside the Shuttle Bays was two levels high. Every 150 meters there was an ElLift. Outside each shuttle bay was a metal staircase which led to the control room in the shuttle bay. The control rooms was totally sealed off from the shuttle bays to protect them in case of an air leak. In the center of the door into the Bay was a small round window. The shuttles were in neat rows of 5 in the two-level bay. At the far end was a platform inside a large tube. When leaving the shuttles would fly through a hole in the tube onto the platform. Then they would be lifted out of the Gallant. At the other end of the bay were 5 repair stations. Each repair station was surrounded by walls and had windows which opened out. The only other thing was a staircase which led to the small control room above the repair station from where the controller would operate the shuttle platform and other things. Although the controller could get to the control room using either the staircase in the hall or the one in the bay, they usually used the one in the bay and left the other one for emergencies.
NOTE: More To Come...